Friday, April 27, 2012

Día de Malvinas

Día de Malvinas
April 2nd is Día de Malvinas in Argentina. It is a public holiday where the veterans and fallen of Guerra de las Malvinas (The Malvinas War) are officially remembered. The name refers to the Malvinas Islands, or as we call them in English “The Falkland Islands.
This year was the thirty year anniversary since the Argentine occupation of the islands on April 2, 1982. A total of 649 Argentines (633 military and 16 civilian) lost their lives during the 74-day campaign.

I attended the memorial service in Crespo and it reminded me very much of ANZAC day in New Zealand. Most of the local schools were represented and carried flags. It is a big honor if you are chosen to carry the flag at something like this.

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